Someone Else’s Thoughts on Becoming a Pastor

Pastor and writer R.F. Capon shares his thoughts on the vocation of becoming a pastor. It’s based on Luke 12:35-40. He’s pretty much a total badass. Enjoy!

“In light of this text, then, preachers of the Word labor under three distinct requirements.

First, they are to be faithful. They are called to believe, and they are called only to believe. They are not called to know, or to be clever, or to be proficient, or to be energetic, or to be talented, or to be well-adjusted. Their vocation is simply to be faithful waiters on the mystery of Jesus’ coming in death and resurrection. What the world needs to hear from them is not any of their ideas, bright or dim: none of those can save a single soul. Rather, it needs to hear – and above all to see – their own commitment to the ministry of waiting for, and waiting on, the only Lord who has the keys of death.

Second, the clergy are to be wise. They are not to be fools, rich or poor, who think that salvation can come to anyone as a result of living. The world is already drowning in its efforts at life; it does not need lifeguards who swim to it carrying the barbell weights of their own moral and spiritual efforts. Preachers are to come honestly empty-handed to the world, because anyone who comes bearing more than the folly of the kerygma – of the preaching of the word of the cross – has missed completely the foolishness of God that is wiser than humans. The wise steward, therefore, is the one who knows that God has stood all known values on their heads – that as Paul says, he has not chosen the wise, or the mighty, or the socially adept, but rather he has chosen what the world considers weak in order to shame the strong. The clergy are worth their salt only if they understand that God deals out salvation solely through the klutzes and the nobodies of the world. If they think God is waiting for them to provide classier help, they should do everybody a favor and get out of the preaching business. Let them do less foolish work. Let them sell junk bonds.

But it is the third of these clerical requirements that strikes me as the most telling: preachers are stewards whom the Lord has ‘set over his household servants to provide them with food at the proper time.’ After all these years the church has suffered under forceful preachers and winning orators, under compelling pulpiteers and clerical bigmouths with egos to match, how nice to hear that Jesus expects preachers in their congregations to be nothing more than faithful household cooks. Not gourmet chefs, not banquet managers, not caterers to thousands, just Gospel pot-rattlers who can turn out a decent, nourishing meal once a week. And not even a whole meal, perhaps; only the right food at the proper time. On most Sundays, maybe all it has to be is meat, pasta, and a vegetable. Not every sermon needs to be prefaced by a cocktail hour full of the homiletical equivalent of Vienna sausages and bacon-wrapped water chestnuts; nor need nourishing preaching always be dramatically concluded with a dessert of flambéed sentiment and soufleed prose. The preacher has only to deliver food, not flash; Gospel, not uplift. And the preacher’s family doesn’t even have to like it. If it’s good food at the right time, they can bellyache all they want: as long as they get enough death and resurrection, some day they may even realize they’ve been well fed.

So much for the faithful preacher… [But] if the preacher gets tired of the foolishness of the Gospel and begins to amuse herself with her own versions of intelligible fun and games – whether by exploiting her fellow servants’ bodies, or by intellectually devouring their souls like cheese puffs – then the Lord of that preacher ‘will come on a day she does not expect and at a time she does not know, and he will cut her up in little pieces and appoint her portion with the unfaithful.’”


That’s good stuff.



Humans Are Monkeys

I saw this Youtube video in a class this past semester and have been thinking about it more and more with this whole situation unraveling in Egypt. It’s all so simple until we start tripping ourselves up. Enjoy.


Theological Framework for (Youth) Ministry

Hey everyone… So I figured since I’m a seminary student and spend most of my time writing papers, it might not be a bad idea to share some of them.

This is one that I wrote for a class I took at Luther on the theological frameworks of ministry with youth and families. I guess I’ll let it speak for itself. If it gets to jargon-y I apologize…. Wasn’t my aim. Feel free to comment and tell me I’m completely off my rocker if that’s what you really think. It’s to start a conversation, I guess. Here goes…


It Gets Better

This video is a few months old and most of you have probably already seen it, but in case you haven’t, I wanted to post it. It is adopted as part of the “It Gets Better” campaign which seeks to encourage and give hope to GLBT youth who are dealing with the stresses of bullying and harassment. Take a look. It’s a great video and a good reminder for anyone who works with youth in any capacity.


Law and Gospel in “Good Will Hunting”?

So I took a class last semester on the Lutheran buzzwords “law and gospel”. I was skeptical at first because I thought we’d just heard fire and brimstone about how everyone needs to be convicted of their sin and blah blah blah boring and unimaginative.

Fortunately for me (and the church as a whole, I believe) that wasn’t the class we were getting. We watched movies and tv shows, listened to songs, and tried to find where there was law and where there was gospel in our world today.

One of the clips we watched was this little gem from “Good Will Hunting”. This is one of my favorite movies, but I’d never thought about it as particularly gospel (aside from the “Do you like apples” scene, because that’s just awesome). The whole scene is great, but the part I’m talking about in particular starts around the 2:50 mark until the end. Take a look at this scene and tell me if you think it’s gospel or not.

Powerful scene. But is it gospel? If someone stood up and preached from a pulpit “it’s not your fault”, is that message a sufficient sermon? What do you think?
